Children are accepted between the ages of 6 weeks and 5 years. Children through age 10 are accepted during the summer or for extended care.
Enrollment is available to any child regardless of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Children’s Discovery Center does not discriminate in enrollment and complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
A nonrefundable registration fee, last week’s deposit (non-interest bearing: to be applied to your child’s last week of care), and submission of all completed forms is a prerequisite for enrollment.
Preference is given to families that require full-time child care. Waiting lists become necessary when classes are full. If a space becomes available before you are ready to enroll your child, you will be given the option of holding the space for up to four weeks, but you must begin payment (one-half the bi-weekly or monthly fee) at that time. However, if you choose to wait, you will be contacted when another opening becomes available. No spots will be held open for enrolled children unless one-half of the bi-weekly or monthly fee payment is made to hold the spot for up to four weeks. If a child is withdrawn for an extended period of time, enrollment will be dependent upon the availability of space.
Because we provide child care and education in a group setting, the welfare and safety of all is our concern. If a child is unable to adjust to our program, is consistently insubordinate, has a serious behavior problem, or for any other reason, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate his enrollment. If a parent/family member does not comply with center procedures, show courtesy to Children’s Discovery Center personnel or is considered chronically disruptive to the center operations, the child’s enrollment will be terminated. Anyone who has a child enrolled and has stopped attendance without notification for any reason including lack of payment shall jeopardize re-enrollment in the future. It is imperative that we know the start and ending dates of attendance so that we can adjust the classroom enrollment and staffing as needed.
One week prior to the child’s first day of attendance, the child must have the following on file:
- A current health record
- Enrollment form
- Emergency transportation information
- A signed contract
In order to secure your child’s enrollment, you will need to submit the following:
- Application form registration fee
- Last week’s deposit