At Children’s Discovery Center, we believe learning is at its best when driven by curiosity. Our pre-K A and B classes recently embarked on an exciting joint classroom journey that perfectly embodies this Reggio Emilia principle of child-led exploration. With guidance from Ms. Hughes (and some new friends!), our young discoverers made thrilling connections in the animal kingdom!
Our Beaks Are Unique
This summer project united our pre-K classes for a collaborative learning experience. The adventure began when Jupiter the parakeet and Shelly the tortoise joined our classroom community. The presence of these unique creatures inspired young learners to embark on new discoveries.

Reggio Emilia Opportunities
This project beautifully aligned with the Reggio Emilia principles, particularly emphasizing the importance of the many languages of a child.
Students honed their artistic expression, bringing ideas to life through drawing, clay modeling and paper mache. These creative activities deepened their understanding of the pets and provided opportunities for self-expression.

The Power of Child-Led Exploration
Like many of our lessons, this project was founded on our children’s genuine interest in the topic. It was thrilling to watch students explore their natural curiosities about our new classroom pets and actively seek answers to their developing questions.
As educators, we are passionate about fostering this self-led discovery and were blessed to engage these young minds in a meaningful exploration of the animals’ characteristics and habits.
Together, we discovered that both a parakeet and a tortoise have beaks, lay eggs and create nests. And like all of us, no matter how different we may seem, there is always common ground and similarities to be found if we are open and willing to find them.

Our “WOW” Factor
This project’s true “WOW” factor was the level of engagement and creativity it elicited from our students. Together, we created a colorful collection of creative works and project-inspired spaces that will continue to live on in our new pets’ classroom area.

Discover the CDC Difference
For more than 40 years, Children’s Discovery Center has helped guide and expand the minds of Toledo’s youngest explorers. Our dedicated staff nurtures children into becoming life-long learners by providing an innovative environment that promotes self-led discovery. Contact us today to learn more about our Reggio Emilia approach to learning, register your child and tour our facilities.